
Showing posts from August, 2014

Back To School Special #2 ♥

Hellou. (: I read your comments on the my last post and someone write me some great idea for the next BTS post. :) In this post you can read what I think that is important to have in your backpack. So , if you want to know what... ...keep reading! ♥ Zdravo. (: Citala sam Vase komentare na mom poslednjem postu i neko je napisao jedan komentar sa  sjajnom idejom za moj sledeci BTS post. :) U ovom postu mozete procitati sta ja mislim da je  napotrebnije sto bi trebalo da bude u Vasem rancu.  Pa , ako zelite da znate sta... ...nastavite sa citanjem! ♥ WHAT I NEED TO HAVE IN MY BACKPACK: English: • some really crative notebooks :) • little notepad • paper tissues and wet wipes • kit with the most needed makeup (lipstick or lip gloss , mascara , concealer , Powder , BB/CC cream , Blush , eye shadows and Pencil for the eyebrows) • kit with hygiene products (Stick to underarms , deodorant , perfume , hairbrush and little mir...

Back To School - #6 outfit ideas ♥

Hellou. (: Today is a really good day to me. :) I am very positive today and the weather is sunny and pretty... ♥ But realize that no one can take a photos of my outfits , because every person that I know is busy because the School start on Monday , and it's time to shopping. :D ♥ I have a really lot ideas of BTS outfits , so I make some outfits and take a photo of it myself. :D ♥ Let's begin. :) Zdravo. ( : Danas mi je jako lep dan. :) Bas sam pozitivna danas i vreme je suncano i prelepo... ♥ Ali shvatila sam da niko ne moze da me slika , zato sto je svaka osoba koju ja poznajem zauzeta jer skolska godina pocinje u ponedeljak , i vreme je za kupovinu. :D ♥ Stvarno imam puno ideja za BTS (Back To School - Povratak u skolu) outfite , tako da sam smislila neke outfite i uslikala ih sama. :D ♥ Pa hajde da pocnemo. :) Outfit #1 English language:  • Palm Beauty Green shirt  • Owl necklace • 2x "rainbow" bracelets (If you want it , I have this rai...