
Showing posts from January, 2022

Get ready for Spring with DEAR-LOVER | WHOLESALE of Cheap Women's Clothing

  Dear-lover is an online store that specializes in producing and selling wholesale fashion items for women, such as clothing, lingerie, and even shoes & bags. All of the items that they have in stock are made from quality material, very comfortable for wearing, trendy and cute, and also very affordable. When I say affordable, I really mean that since it's a wholesale online store and the prices are lower than on any other website of this type. When I first came across this online store I was completely shocked when I saw the prices. All the items that they offer are very cheap and everyone can afford them. If you're looking to open up a business for yourself, then this website would be a great place to start and make your stock. They have such a huge variety to chose from and since the prices are so low, you can start your business without no worrying about will it succeed or not. You can make money easier than ever and still be able to provide great quality items for your...

A Ray of Sunshine | OUTFIT POST w/

  Zdravo svima i dobro došli u još jedan post na mom blogu! Ovog puta vam predstavljam outfit koji u poslednje vreme najviše nosim, što zbog udobnosti, što zbog predivnog kroja i dizajna odevnih komada. Nedavno je moja prijateljica odlučila da započne svoj biznis i napravila je ogroman korak time što je osnovala online prodavnicu , koja je za sada dostupna na Instagramu u vidu profila . Asortiman čine odevni komadi koji su izuzetno kvalitetni, prijatni za nošenje (odličnog sastava), modernog dizajna, kroja i pristupačnih cena za naše područje. U ponudi se nalaze džemperi, bluze, rolke, farmerke, trenerke, duksevi, kompleti i još mnogo toga, a sve je dostupno u nekoliko varijacija boja i veličina, i stiže na vašu adresu u roku od 48h. Takođe, ukoliko se desi da vam nešto ne odgovara, u roku od 14 dana imate mogućnost povraćaja i zamene! Za razliku od drugih Instagram butika i prodavnica, ova prodavnica zaista uliva poverenje i dozu profesionalnosti, a takođe je i re...

Best Wigs for Women | Human Hair or Synthetic? They have both at UNIWIGS!

  Uniwigs is an online store that you're probably already familiar with since I dedicated quite a few articles about their offer. On their website, you can find various types of wigs, made out of synthetic hair or human hairpieces. Synthetic wigs for women are definitely more affordable and cheaper than the ones made from human hair, but they are still very high-quality and definitely the best ones that you can find on the online markets. The price-quality ratio is really, really good and that's why I have to show you an example of what you can find in their wide range of wigs made from synthetic hair pieces. Here is the one that really caught my intention since It really looks like it's real hair:   This wig is absolutely gorgeous if you ask me. I like how the hair looks healthy and shiny, and the way it's styled. It's full of volume and you don't have to worry about your hairstyle since It's already curly, like you just went to the hair salon. Of course, ...

Best Body Shapers on SCULPTSHE

  Sculptshe is an online store that can help you achieve the perfect body shape with little to no effort. I know that it's still Winter, but if you start taking care of your body now, with a little help of slim shapewear , by the Summer you'll look exactly the way you wanted to. In today's article, I'm here to represent you with another website that specializes in producing and selling shapewear for every single body type and size. The prices are affordable, and the items are made from high-quality comfortable materials. Besides shapewear, on their website, you can find a variety of bodysuits, and below is an example of the classic one, that will fit any body type. It's great because it's hugging the body perfectly and it's seamless so you can wear it underneath clothes to be warm during the cold winter days. One of the most interesting items on their website is definitely a  waist and thigh trainer that offers a full-body shaping, and gives the best result...

Find your perfect wig at LAVIVID HAIR

  LaVivid Hair is an online store that offers and sells high-quality mens hair pieces , but that's not the only category that they have. It's just the one that's the most popular. They also have a wide range of wigs for men and women, accessories, etc. All items that they offer are made to make you feel more confident and good-looking without having to go through painful hair loss treatments and having to style your hairstyle every single day. You just need to put a wig on and call it a day! LaVivid is a store that offers the best non-surgical solitons to men who are experiencing hair loss. They provide premium quality men's hair replacement systems, that are inexpensive and affordable. Each hairpiece is individually handcrafted and designed with the needs of the customer. There, at LaVivid, the customers come first, and they want to make every customer's hair loss journey a little bit easier. Another category that is worth mentioning is toupee hair , and I've s...

PIXI palete u kolaboraciji sa Denise, Louise Roe, Promise i Tinom Yong | RECENZIJA

  Kada sam započela sa pisanjem ovog bloga, još davne 2014. godine, nisam ni slutila da ću jednog dana sarađivati sa kozmetičkim, planetarno popularnim brendom poput Pixi Beauty . Godinama sam gledala razne PR unboxing videe na jutjubu i divila se jutjuberkama koje su imale priliku da besplatno isprobavaju sve te divne novitete koji im stižu na kućni prag. Sećam se kako sam poželela da se i meni nekad pruži ta prilika, a sve je počelo još pre 4-5 godina kada su paketi počeli da stižu od raznih kompanija, online prodavnica, brendova, kako domaćeg, tako i stranog porekla. Ipak, moram priznati da mi je jedna od najdražih saradnji upravo sa Pixi brendom jer njihovi proizvodi zaista nikada ne razočaraju, a PR pakovanja istih uvek obore s nogu. No, to me ne sprečava da vam uvek prenesem svoje iskreno mišljenje kada je u pitanju recenzija samih proizvoda koji mi stignu, a u nastavku ovog posta vam pišem o 4 palete koje su napravljene u kolaboraciji sa poznatim jutjuberkama i šminkerkama ...

Valentine's Day Special | Cheap & Sexy Lingerie on GIRLMERRY

GirlMerry is probably already familiar to all of you since I dedicated a few articles on my blog with their wide range of gorgeous fashionable items with such affordable pricing. Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner and probably lots of you already have in mind what you would give to your loved one or maybe buy some present for yourself, because why not? Self-love is important too. This article is a great way to show you some gift ideas! Anyway, even guys can be surprised with their girlfriends wrapped up as a gift in a gorgeous cheap & sexy lingerie , and that's also the main subject of this article too. Besides that, sometimes we - women like to feel confident, feminine and enhance our beauty with some lingerie that makes us feel sexy, comfortable, and attractive. So, this can be a gift to yourself too! I've come across so many gorgeous underwears and I can't wait to show you what I hand-picked as my personal favorite. Here are the examples of what you...