
Showing posts from December, 2019

Isprobavanje proizvoda domaćeg brenda "ŠUMSKA TAJNA" | Recenzija

Je l' se i vi više obradujete domaćim proizvodima na tržištu ili pak stranim? Ja sam uvek za naše brendove i podržavanje istih zato vam u ovom postu predstavljam jedan veoma inovativan brend koji poseduje mnogo različitih kvaliteta. U pitanju je " Šumska tajna ", a njihova priča počinje tako što iza nje stoji kompanija pod nazivom Stanišić Bio koja je svoje poslovanje otpočela sa namazima od šumskih (organskih) pečurki. Obožavam kada se nešto pojavi što je skroz drugačije i što je potpuno prirodno, zdravo za naš organizam odnosno posno, vegansko, bezglutensko, visoko proteinski, niskokalorično i naravno pogodno čak i za dijabetičare jer ne sadrži niti jedan procenat šećera. Kada pročitam ovako nešto uvek sam zaintrigirana za sam asortiman, a njihov su u početku činili namazi sa vrganjima, lisičarkom, crnom trubom, smrčkom i crnim tartufom . Sada su proširili asortiman i uveli voćne namaze , humuse , brašna , čajeve , medove i još mnogo drugih interesantnih proizvo

New Year's Sale on | Dresses for Every Occasion

Hello, are you in a mood for some shopping and awesome deals & discounts? Today I'm representing you an online store called Angrila and on your and my pleasure they have amazing New year sale promotion that can save you a lot of money. Continue to read this article and you'll even have the access to some great coupon codes! Click on the banner above to find out some more info about the promotion as well and also enjoy shopping your wedding, prom or even New Year's Eve dresses for such amazing prices! You'll definitely save some money and I think that now is the right time to shop your dream dress. You can use these coupon codes and enjoy sales that are currently active on their site: REG10 & HOLIDAY99 . If you don't have a particular item in mind take a look at these awesome dresses for every occasion and if you like any of them click on its photo and you'll be automatically redirected. They belong to categories called

Lolita's Warm Autumn Attire

Lolita is a unique Japanese subculture style that is influenced by the Victorian era. It is daring and beautiful! Having three main sub-styles of Gothic, Classic, and Sweet it brings out many to show their girlish style. Being mainly used as cosplay or an escape into the fantasy of the past. This look highlights a childish fashion with a fancy contrast. We all love it but only some are passionate to pull it off. Inspired by Victorian dolls, women in Japan have brought this style back with class. The Autumn look can be challenging because the outfits seem to have delicate fabric so layers and coats accent this beautiful ensemble. Some in Western culture use this type of outfits for cosplay to live the life of young ladies of the 18th century. To be comfortable in the Autumn season petticoats , yarn support, knit socks , and round-headed shoes are going to for Lolita outfits for the Autumn season. The characteristic of each outfit varies in style. From the Gothic look to the


Prosto ne mogu da verujem da je juče počeo decembar i da se svakim danom bližimo dočeku Nove godine, ali i božićnim praznicima. Ne želim ni da razmišljam o tome koliko vreme brzo prolazi, ali sam opet nekako srećna i ispunjena jer mi se život promenio zaista iz korena ove godine i skoro sve što sam imala na umu da ostvarim i jesam tako da ovu godinu privodim kraju na najbolji mogući način, a nadam se da će tako i da ostane. Outfit koji ću vam pokazati je slikan pre nekoliko dana iako tako ne izgleda jer je temperatura napolju visoka za ovaj period godine, a i ne manjka nam sunca tako da mogu reći da više predstavlja jesenji nego zimski outfit, ali šta da se radi. Hajde da barem iskoristimo ovo vreme da iznosimo kombinacije koje još uvek nismo proteklog godišnjeg doba. Moja se sastoji od crne kožne jakne poručene još početkom ove godine koja mi je postala apsolutni must-have i bez koje skoro nigde nisam išla prethodnih meseci. Ona je baš dala taj edgy i punk rock efekat pa sam