My Autumn Dresslink Wishlist ♥

Zdravo svima/Hello everybody. ♥

  Serbian version:
Jesen je već uveliko tu, lišće opada, vreme je dosta oblačnije, hladnije je... Samim tim, bar meni, su potrebni neki novi "komadi" odeće. U ovom postu ću vam pokazati moju jesenju listu želja sa sajta koji ja najviše volim, a to je naravno - Dresslink! Nadam se da će vam se ovaj post dopasti. ♥

  English version:
Autumn is already here, leaves are falling, the weather is a lot cloudier and it's colder... For all of these reasons, at least I need some new clothes. In this post I will show you my Autumn wishlist from site that I really love, that's of course - Dresslink! I hope that you will like this post. ♥

Well, let's go...

1. Finejo Women Fashion Casual Batwing Long Sleeve Number Print Sweats Pullover Sweatshirt
  Serbian version:
Ovakvu duksericu već dugo tražim! Podseća me na one sportske dresove i smatram da je samim tim i veoma moderna. Ova dukserica mi se posebno dopada jer sadrži i crnu i belu boju i lako može da se iskombinuje. Definitivno nameravam da kupim ovu duksericu i nadam se da ću to uskoro i učiniti jer će se vrlo brzo rasprodati. ♥
Možete je pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*

  English version:
This hoodie I have been searching for a long time. It reminds me of sports jerseys and I think that because of that this hoodie is very modern. I really like this hoodie because she has combination of black and white color and that's why you can to make perfect outfit with it without any trouble. I'm definitely going to buy this sweatshirt and hopefully I will do it soon because it's going to be sold out very quickly. ♥
You can order it or check it out *HERE*

2. Korea Women's Letters Printed Different Mix Casual Loose Sweater Pullover Tops Hoodie

  Serbian version:
Da li vi primećujete koliko je divna kombinacija ove četiri boje (prljavo roze, bela, siva i crna)? Ja sam prosto oduševljena kombinacijom boja i to je jedan od glavnih razloga zašto mi se baš ova dukserica i dopada. Izgleda veoma kvalitetno i dopada mi se natpis. Smatram da je savršena za one hladnije jesenje dane, ali i za zimske dane tako se zbog svih ovih razloga ona našla na mojoj listi želja. Ja sam je baš pre dva dana naručila i čekam da mi stigne tako da za jedno mesec dana možete očekivati i outfit post u kojem će se ona naći! :)
Možete je pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*.

  English version:
Do you notice how beautiful is this combination of these four colors (baby pink, white, grey and black)? I'm simply impressed by this color combination and that's the main reason why I like this hoodie. It looks that is made out of really great fabric, so It seems that is very good quality and I really like the caption on the hoodie. I think that it's perfect for this colder Autumn days, and winter days too so there are all reasons why this hoodie made to my wishlist. Actually, two days ago I order this hoodie and I can't wait it to arrive, so you can expect one outfit post with it in a month on my blog! :)
You can order it or check it out *HERE*.

3. Hot Women Jeans Slim Fit Waist Jeans Denim High Elastic Pencil Pants Skinny Women Jeans

  Serbian version:
Najbolje farmerke koje sam ja ikada videla! U školi u kojoj ja sada idem ne dozvoljavaju nikakvu vrstu pocepanih farmerki tako da sam prinuđena da nosim one "zatvorene" i verujte mi, nimalo mi nije drago zbog toga jer takvih farmerki imam veoma malo... Zato sam se baš prijatno iznenadila kada sam videla da na njihovom sajtu imaju ove divne farmerke koje su još i visoko-strukirane. Skroz mi se dopadaju i nameravam uskoro da ih poručim! ♥
Možete ih pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*.

  English version:
The best jeans that I have ever seen! In the school where I'm going now they don't allow any kind of ripped jeans so I'm forced to wear those "closed" and believe me, I'm not happy because I really have very small amount of that kind of jeans... So I was really pleasantly surprised when I i saw this jeans on their website and this jeans are also high-waisted which is a big plus. I really like them and I intend soon to order them! ♥
You can order it or check it out *HERE*.

4. European Style Ladies Women Casual Animal Printed Long Sleeve O-neck Top Blouse Hoodie

  Serbian version:
Ko ne voli jednoroge?! Kada sam ugledala ovu bluzu odmah sam znala da će se naći na mojoj listi želja prvenstveno zbog printa jednoroga i to u bojama galaksije. Pogledajte samo koliko je ova bluza savršena... Ne znam šta bih još dodala sem da istog sekunda želim da je poručim što ću verovatno kad-tad i uraditi. :)
Možete je pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*.

  English version:
Who doesn't love unicorns?! When I saw this blouse I knew immediately that it will be on my wishlist, primarily because of a unicorn print it which has been made of galaxy colors. I mean, just look at this perfect blouse ... I don't know what else to add except that this second I want to order it, and I'll probably
eventually do that. :)
You can order it or check it out *HERE*.

5. Meaneor Stylish Women Long Sleeve Stand V Neck Leisure Sports Coat

  Serbian version:
Koliko sam samo puta poželela da imam ovu duksericu... Pre možda dve-tri godine mi je moja draga tetka kupila ovakvu duksericu u plavo-beloj boji i zaista sam je dosta nosila sve dok nisam slučajno jednim rukavom zakačila sveže ofarbanu ogradu... Fleka nije mogla da se skine i ne možete ni da zamislite koliko sam ja plakala zbog toga. Strašno! Baš mi se dopada ova dukserica i definitivno bih želela da je imam u svom ormaru, ako bih je naručila, sigurno bih odabrala kombinaciju crne i bele boje. ♥
Možete je pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*.

  English version:
How many times I wanted to have this sweatshirt ... Before maybe two or three years, my dear aunt bought me the similar sweatshirt in blue and white color and I really wear it a lot until I accidentally snagged one sleeve on freshly painted fence ... Stain couldn't be removed and you can't even imagine how much i cried about it. Horrible! I really like this sweatshirt and I would definitely like to have it in my closet, if I order it, I would definitely chose a combination of black and white color. ♥
You can order it or check it out *HERE*.

6. Lady Dots Spot Chiffon Soft Shawl Scarf Neck Wrap Headscarf

  Serbian version:
Ne nosim baš toliko marame i šalove iz razloga što se oblačim baš "sportski" kada idem u školu i zato ni jedna marama ne ide uz moj outfit koji se obično sastoji iz nekih trenerki ili farmerka i dukserice. Ukoliko bih kupovala neku maramu onda bi to bila ova jer mi se mnogo dopada. :)
Možete je pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*.

  English version:
I don't wear that much shawls and scarves, because I dress really "sporty" when I go to school and scarf never goes with any of my outfits, which usually consists of some tracksuits or jeans and a sweatshirt. If I bought a scarf then I would buy this one, because I really like it very much. :)
You can order it or check it out *HERE*.

7. Lady Designer Satchel Shoulder Bags Messenger Purse Handbag Tote Bag

  Serbian version:
Od kada sam ovog meseca sklopila dve saradnje sa devojkama koje prave torbe postala sam zaista zaluđenik za svim vrstama torba. Tako sam se potpuno zaljubila u ovu belu torbu! Jednostavno je moram naručiti. Smatram da je veoma moderna, elegantna i praktična i da bi se uklopila u svaki mogući outfit. :)
Možete je pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*

  English version:
Since I have this month two cooperation with girls who make bags I became really buff for all types of bags. So I completely fell in love with this white bag! I just have to order it. I think that is very modern, elegant and practical, and that it fits perfectly in every possible outfit. :)
You can order it or check it out *HERE*.

8. Unisex Winter Warm Snow Half Boots Shoes

  Serbian version:
Sigurno ste primetili da po buticima i kineskim prodavnicama postoji dosta kopija poznatih UGG čizama koje nisu kvalitetne i koje koštaju od 1,000-3,000 dinara što je zaista mnogo. Ove čizme koštaju svega 418 dinara. :O Zaista mi se mnogo dopadaju. Mislim da bi bile savršene za one suve jesenje i zimske dane, ali idealne su i za nošenje po kući umesto dosadnih papuča. :D
Možete ih pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*.

  English version:
Surely you've noticed that at boutiques and Chinese shop there are plenty of copies of famous UGG boots and that they are really made of bad fabric and they cost from US$ 10 to US$ 30, which is quite a lot. These boots cost only US$ 3.96. :O I really like them a lot. I think they would be perfect for those dry autumn and winter days, but they are also ideal for wearing it around the house instead of annoying slippers. : D
You can order it or check it out *HERE*.

9. Fashion Women Makeup Cosmetic Tool 15 Colors Face Cream Casual Party Concealer Palette With Sponge Puff

  Serbian version:
Koliko sam samo puta videla ovu paletu i na raznim blogovima i u jutjub videima i po raznim sajtovima... Već dugo vremena nameravam da je kupim i nikako da to uradim. Takođe bih želela da isprobam i beauty blender pošto nisam mogla nigde da ga pronađem u prodaji. Znam da postoji u DM drogerijama, ali kada god bih ga ja tražila uvek bi bio rasprodat. Zato sam pre dva dana naručila ovu paletu i beauty blender i jedva čekam da mi pristigne pa da vam napišem recenziju. ♥
Možete je pogledati/naručiti zajedno sa beauty blenderom *OVDE*.

  English version:
How many times I have seen this palette on blogs and YouTube videos and on different shop sites ... For a long time I intend to buy it and didn't do it. I would also like to try and this beauty blender since I couldn't seem to find it on sale. I know that DM drugstores has it, but whenever I asked for it they would have been sold out. So I ordered two days ago, this palette and beauty blender and I can't wait it to arrive so that I could write a review. ♥
You can order it or check it out together with beauty blender *HERE*.

10. Fashion Casual Women Lapel Trench Coat Long Outerwear Clothes Loose Windbreaker

 Serbian version:
I poslednja, ali ne manje važna, stvar na mojoj jesenjoj listi želja je ovaj predivni kaput! Do sada nisam videla nigde u prodaji ovaj kaput niti sam ga videla na nekome, tako da ga zato još više želim. Mislim da je njegov dizajn veoma originalan i da je boja aposlutno savršena tako da ga prosto moram naručiti. Jednostavno se baš uklapa u sadašnje godišnje doba, zar ne?!
Možete ga pogledati/poručiti *OVDE*.

  English version:
And last, but not least, the thing on my Autumn wishlist is this beautiful coat! So far I have not seen anywhere in stores this coat or I have not seen it on someone, so that's why I even like it more. I think that design is very original and color is absolutely perfect so I simply have to order it. It just fit perfectly in the current season, right?!
You can order it or check it out *HERE*.

 Serbian version:
To bi bilo to za ovaj post. Nadam se da vam se dopada. :)
Pogledajte celu ponudu sa DRESSLINK sajta *OVDE*. ♫
Podelite sa mnom vaša misljenja u komentarima. ♥

  English version:
That's it for this post. I hope that you like it. :)
You can check out the whole offer from DRESSLINK site *HERE*. ♫
Please share with me your opinions in comments. ♥

Instagram: @milicastanisic00
Facebook page: Style On First Place
We ♥ It: milica2000ms

Voli vas vaša/With love,


  1. Divne stvari,kao i post ma dobro uvek imas savrsen post cestitam na 300 pratilaca zasluzila si.
    Ako zelis prijavi se za takmicenje na mom blogu:

  2. Odličan post! Stvarčice su divnee!♥

    1. Hvala ti puno Jano, drago mi je da ti se sviđaju! <33

  3. Replies
    1. Hvala ti puno Ivana, drago mi je da ti se sviđaju. <33

  4. Jako lijepe stvari,definitivno imamo isti ukus:)

    Angela's Life <--------------------------------Moj Blog

  5. Lijepe stvari. Imamo sličan stil. :)
    Samo što Taylor nije rođena 1985, već 1989. godine lol.

    1. Hvala ti puno, drago mi je zbog toga! Ispravila sam to, hvala ti što si mi rekla. <33

  6. Sjajan post! Obožavam njihove stvari,a posebno mi se dopada druga dukserica <3

    1. Hvala ti puno Suzana! I meni je ona najomiljenija. <33

  7. super stvari Milice, meni se isto jako sviđaju :)
    ta torba što ti je na Wishlisti, ja je imam, možeš je vidjeti tu ->
    savršena je :)

    1. Hvala ti puno Zrinka! Jaoj super, taman da vidim kako uživo izgleda. Obavezno ću pogledati post. <33

  8. Stvarcice su super!Ja obozavam kapute u braon i crnoj boji,imam ih cak i u drugim bojama i obozavam da ih menjam!Duks 1985 mi se bas dopada,a visokostukirane farmerke su najbole farmerke koje imam neces se pokajati ako ih kupis. :D
    Novi post --- *Fashion*is*my*middle*name*

    1. Hvala ti puno Sofija! Blago tebi. Hvala ti na predlogu, izgleda da ću morazi da kupim te farmerke jer ih svi hvale. :)

  9. Divan post! Stvarčice su stvarno preeedivne. Pogotovo mi se dopada zadnji kaput. :D

    1. Hvala ti puno Amina, drago mi je da ti se sviđaju. <33

  10. I like Dresslink:) i have a few items and I love it:)
    Have a nice weekend!:)

    1. Me too! I'm glad that you find some items that you love. Thanks, have a nice week. :)

  11. Odlican post!!!
    Sve stvari su prelepeee!

    1. Hvala ti puno Jovana, drago mi je da ti se sviđaju. <33

  12. Odličan post, kao i uvek. Preporučujem ti da ne kupuješ takvu koledžicu preko tog sajta, ako već nisi, iz razloga što možeš sličnu ili čak gotovo istu da pronađeš kod nas po pristupačnijoj ceni, kažem ti iz iskustva. :)

    1. Hvala ti puno Tara na preporuci definitivno ću te poslušati. <33

  13. Prelepe stvari! Izbor je super! Čestitam ti na 300+ čitalaca!
    Novi post:

  14. Odlican izbor, marama je prelepa kao i torbice. :D

  15. Your choices are always a surprise.
    I love how simple yet elegant this jacket is.

  16. Hejj,da li mozes da objasnis kako se narucuje preko tog sajta? PS.Stvari su predivne,kao i tvoj sajt♥


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